Complete training course only $2,600.

Paramotoring looks easy.  It is easy and safe if you get proper, hands-on training.  It is very dangerous to learn to fly by only watching videos.  It can be costly in damaged equipment by making simple mistakes that are easily avoided through good training.  We will train you to fly with proven techniques that will result in you safely enjoying this wonderful sport!

Review and understanding of the equipment.

Review of the various parts of the Paraglider – what they do, and why.

How to put a harness on, make adjustments for comfort, and proper usage for safety.

Proper reverse wing launch & techniques for higher wind conditions (5 to 10-mph).

Proper forward launch techniques for zero or low-wind conditions (0 to 5 mph).

Ground-handling of the wing: proper inflation and learning to control both brake toggles.

Control of the wing while starting in “reverse launch” and turning to the “forward launch” position.

Several advanced ground handling techniques such as: high wind launches, low wind launches, ground handling without a harness, weight shift ground handling, fast deflation of the wing, safety techniques, and upside down inflation to clean debris from the wing’s cells.

Forward & reverse launch simulations (without the motor running,

Simulator training to experience flying without ever leaving the ground.

How to properly get into the harness while in flight, and various in-flight weight shift steering techniques.

Complete discussion of first solo flight: launch technique, flight course to follow, throttle adjustments, making turns, and landing procedures.

Preflight safety inspections and warming up the engine properly.

How to safely handle unpredictable conditions or situations if they arise.

Multiple flights & touch-n-go’s to reach the goal of flying without instructor assistance.

Basic engine & glider maintenance procedures

Discussion of when and where to fly safely, including a review of part 103 of the FAA regulation pertaining to Powered Paragliding.

Review of the various equipment options available on the market.